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Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bush 43 Seeks 3rd Term in 2012

President George Walker Bush, the 43rd President, is seeking a Third Term as President of the United States of America in 2012.  He will be challenging his successor, President Barack Hussein Obama (44th President), in 2012.  Here his is announcement made in Provo, Utah.

Okay, it isn't true, but this is a funny video from Divine Comedy at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Lone Eagle Review?

As with anyone that starts a business, a Twitter, a Facebook, or anything that just has to deal with getting an idea out there is always a single question that most will ask: "Why?"

I worked at a company called Ziplocal (formerly PDCpages).  I was in their Inside Sales Department as a Media Advertising Consultant (fancy name for Salesman!).  I would have page after page of businesses to call from Kansas to Oregon, Idaho to California.  When I talked to business owners, managers, or just the individual that answered the phone I knew there was a single thought of their mind, second only to "How much this going to cost me?"  That thought was what Paul Schween, a speaker in Arizona, calls the "W.I.I.F.M." frequency.  That stands for "What's In It For Me?"  (By the way, I recommend Paul Schween to anyone business owner needs help with their sales.  Great speaker.  Heard him in both 2005 and 2006 in Arizona.)

Now you maybe asking yourself "What's In It For Me to follow another blog?"  Here is what I can tell you what's in it for you to follow the Lone Eagle Review (LER).
  1. LER is a website dedicated to promoting the principles of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States.  I have studied the Constitution quite regularly.  Just left of this computer screen is a little holder for my checkbook, pens, and there is a copy of the Constitution.  Maybe you'll learn a thing or two that you didn't know about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.  And I would love to learn from your comments to my posts.
  2. Never stop learning.  People often accuse others that they don't know what they are talking about.  I had this happen most recently with my own grandfather who I'm named after.  He accused me of just being a follower of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX News.  Not only have I not listened to either man since mid-Summer of this year I haven't watched FOX News since we turned off our DISH Network around the same time period.  Getting thoughts and ideas from new sources are a way to expand your knowledge, connect with new individuals and share your own opinions and values.  The more information you tap into the more you learn and the more you learn the better you are at handling yourself when either promoting or defending your values and views.
  3. Conservative and Constitutional opinion without the conspiracy.  This maybe the part that gets me into trouble, but I will be straight forward with you.  There are a lot of "conservative" websites out there that are nothing but lies and full of conspiracy theories.  At LER you won't find that.  I may comment every now and then on a theory I just find completely out in left field but nothing like that will be published here.  Here you can expect real conservative and real constitutional opinion.
  4. Fun!  How often do you get bored with reading the same old political blogs and websites day in and day out?  I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.  Oh, not really.  I read three websites every day on a regular basis: MSNBC, The Associated Press, FOX News.  But I'm not going to load this blog with tons and tons and tons and tons and tons (do I have enough tons in there?) politics?  I'll be mixing it up with a movie review here, a game review there, a report on an evening out on the town here in Utah Valley.  I'm not boring and neither will LER.
Well, I don't want to bore you to death about LER because this is already quite a long blog post.  But those four points should answer the "W.I.I.F.M.?" Grand Question.

Follow-up to 26th October 2009 Posting

Follow-up to 26th October 2009 Post
By Charles A. Hall

Back on the 26th of October 2009 I posted my great disappointment for Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT).  I stated in that article, quote: "Why am I disappointed? Well, maybe it is too much to ask but I've never heard a single word back from Congressman Chaffetz since he won the Republican Nomination back in 2008 and has been in office since January 2009. Not one word!"  At the time of my writing that article that was very true, I hadn't heard a single word from my Congressman.

What many individuals don't know is that your Congressman in the House of Representatives is suppose to be your direct link to the Federal Government.  The Founding Fathers set up the Federal Government that the House of Representatives (also known as The Lower House) was to represent The People directly within certain districts of a state.  The Senate (also known as The Upper House) was to represent the States, giving the States a voice in the Federal Government with two Senators each.  The 17th Amendment ( changed that in 1913.  Now The People both elect their Congressman and two Senators.

Your direct life line to the Federal Government is your Congressman, your Representative in the House.  If that individual doesn't communicate with you what they are doing in Washington, D.C., what they are doing with your tax dollars, what they are doing to represent you that individual no longer deserves to represent you.  That is how I felt about Congressman Chaffetz ten months into his first term.  Since then my opinion has changed.

I have written the Congressman several times and have heard back from him on different issues.  I am very confident in his voting record and standing up for the People of his District, the State of Utah, and the US Constitution.  The October 2010 of The New American's Freedom Index showed that the Congressman had a 93% rating (  That for his votes in the 111th Congress the Congressman was in line with the Constitution 93% of the time.  So there is some room for some improvement, but not much.  For that I am thankful.

I'm happy and proud to state that I voted for the Congressman during the 2010 Midterm Elections.  I'm glad he is getting on the right track.  Rumor has it that he maybe getting a Chair in one of the House Subcommittees in the 112th Congress.

The Rise, Fall & Future of Conservatism

There is a Fox News Reporting six-part series going on by Fox News host Brit Hume entitled "The Right, Fall & Future of Conservatism."  It is dealing with conservatism in the 20th Century, I believe, here in the United States.  I haven't been able to watch a single episode yet, but I plan to here very shortly.  Each episode seems to be between ten (10) and fifteen (15) minutes long.  You can get the first five episodes at HyperBlogCafe @ .

Goals of the Lone Eagle Review

The Goals of the Lone Eagle Review are not simply to create another blog with political ramblings, but to have a place to interact, share ideas, and promote the Constitution of the United States.  But it isn't limited to politics either.  No, it will include more: movie and game reviews, information about my family and our adventures, and other topics.

It is my hope to also launch a YouTube channel so you can heard my opinions and views, just not read them.  Lone Eagle Review has a bright future in store!  Hope you become a part of it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Self-Proclaimed Lone Eagle

Hello everyone, my name is Charles Hall. I am the self-proclaimed Lone Eagle. Why do I say I am a Lone Eagle? Eagles fly alone for the most part, though they do occasionally flock together. As Peter Nye from the New York State Dept. Environmental Conservation has pointed out, quote: "They usually fly alone, although some may follow others to feeding grounds, like from the morning roost, or when going back to the roost in the late afternoon" ( Well, I follow a few other Eagles to feeding grounds, but for the most part I always seem to be by myself. My opinions are sometimes out of line with even the most die hard conservative because I believe the Constitution of the United States to be an inspired document from God, the Almighty. It is the base in which nations have modeled their own governments after.

If you Google "The Lone Eagle" the first hit you get is a website about Charles Lindbergh, the first man to fly across the vast Atlantic Ocean solo. After self-proclaiming myself a "Lone Eagle" I did this Google search and let me state now: In no way, shape, or form am I saying I'm even remotely close to comparison with Brigadier General Lindbergh. Mr. Lindbergh was THE Lone Eagle and I am merely a Lone Eagle.

It is my passion to help average citizens, such as myself, to understand the world around them. I'm no teacher, I'm a student, but I love to teach and to learn. The understandings of the United States Constitution and the real impacts on our daily life, how those they call themselves "leaders" are actually "representatives", how the average American can and will make a difference.

You maybe asking yourself a very simple question: "Is this another crack-pot conspiracy, 'down with the government' blog/website?" The answer is simple: no. I don't do conspiracy theories, I don't do "down with the government." We have an almost perfect government already in place, it is those that run the government that are not perfect. I love the Preamble of the Constitution that states, quote: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..." I love that part! The People of this country hundreds of years ago wanted to form a union among themselves that inspired to be perfect! I just love that part! Our Founding Fathers gave us the tools that we need to establish this "perfect union" and now we have to just use the tools given to us.

I hope that you will follow me, share your thoughts and ideas with me, and together we can start to change this country back to what the Founding Fathers gave us: a true and free Republic. "...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" (Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863).

Launch of the Lone Eagle Review

Welcome to the Lone Eagle Review! This blog is brought to you by the thoughts and ideas of Charles A. Hall. The Lone Eagle Review is being designed to give a citizen's take on the current situation of the world, mainly in the United States. Lone Eagle Review will not be completely limited to the realm of politics, but also to other issues in the United States and around the globe. Subscribe today and keep up with "An Independent View On Your World!"

Charles A. Hall has been actively involved in the realm of American politics since the 2004 Presidential Election. He has written several dozen articles that have been published online to varies social media websites. Charles studies articles from MSNBC, The Associated Press, and Fox News to formulate his own ideas and opinions. Charles understands the great power of the Internet to move along thoughts, ideas, and opinions. He greatly welcomes outside comments to further refine his own values and views.

Some old articles from Charles' old blog (The Hall Review) will be transferred over to this blog to help increase content and give you a sense of what Charles believes in over the past several years.

Donations to the Lone Eagle Review will and are greatly appreciated to help further the thoughts and ideas of Charles. With enough donations we can purchase a domain name, an independent web server, and more!

Thank you for joining the Lone Eagle Review and following the Lone Eagle.