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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Lone Eagle Review?

As with anyone that starts a business, a Twitter, a Facebook, or anything that just has to deal with getting an idea out there is always a single question that most will ask: "Why?"

I worked at a company called Ziplocal (formerly PDCpages).  I was in their Inside Sales Department as a Media Advertising Consultant (fancy name for Salesman!).  I would have page after page of businesses to call from Kansas to Oregon, Idaho to California.  When I talked to business owners, managers, or just the individual that answered the phone I knew there was a single thought of their mind, second only to "How much this going to cost me?"  That thought was what Paul Schween, a speaker in Arizona, calls the "W.I.I.F.M." frequency.  That stands for "What's In It For Me?"  (By the way, I recommend Paul Schween to anyone business owner needs help with their sales.  Great speaker.  Heard him in both 2005 and 2006 in Arizona.)

Now you maybe asking yourself "What's In It For Me to follow another blog?"  Here is what I can tell you what's in it for you to follow the Lone Eagle Review (LER).
  1. LER is a website dedicated to promoting the principles of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States.  I have studied the Constitution quite regularly.  Just left of this computer screen is a little holder for my checkbook, pens, and there is a copy of the Constitution.  Maybe you'll learn a thing or two that you didn't know about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.  And I would love to learn from your comments to my posts.
  2. Never stop learning.  People often accuse others that they don't know what they are talking about.  I had this happen most recently with my own grandfather who I'm named after.  He accused me of just being a follower of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX News.  Not only have I not listened to either man since mid-Summer of this year I haven't watched FOX News since we turned off our DISH Network around the same time period.  Getting thoughts and ideas from new sources are a way to expand your knowledge, connect with new individuals and share your own opinions and values.  The more information you tap into the more you learn and the more you learn the better you are at handling yourself when either promoting or defending your values and views.
  3. Conservative and Constitutional opinion without the conspiracy.  This maybe the part that gets me into trouble, but I will be straight forward with you.  There are a lot of "conservative" websites out there that are nothing but lies and full of conspiracy theories.  At LER you won't find that.  I may comment every now and then on a theory I just find completely out in left field but nothing like that will be published here.  Here you can expect real conservative and real constitutional opinion.
  4. Fun!  How often do you get bored with reading the same old political blogs and websites day in and day out?  I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.  Oh, not really.  I read three websites every day on a regular basis: MSNBC, The Associated Press, FOX News.  But I'm not going to load this blog with tons and tons and tons and tons and tons (do I have enough tons in there?) politics?  I'll be mixing it up with a movie review here, a game review there, a report on an evening out on the town here in Utah Valley.  I'm not boring and neither will LER.
Well, I don't want to bore you to death about LER because this is already quite a long blog post.  But those four points should answer the "W.I.I.F.M.?" Grand Question.

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