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Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bush 43 Seeks 3rd Term in 2012

President George Walker Bush, the 43rd President, is seeking a Third Term as President of the United States of America in 2012.  He will be challenging his successor, President Barack Hussein Obama (44th President), in 2012.  Here his is announcement made in Provo, Utah.

Okay, it isn't true, but this is a funny video from Divine Comedy at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Lone Eagle Review?

As with anyone that starts a business, a Twitter, a Facebook, or anything that just has to deal with getting an idea out there is always a single question that most will ask: "Why?"

I worked at a company called Ziplocal (formerly PDCpages).  I was in their Inside Sales Department as a Media Advertising Consultant (fancy name for Salesman!).  I would have page after page of businesses to call from Kansas to Oregon, Idaho to California.  When I talked to business owners, managers, or just the individual that answered the phone I knew there was a single thought of their mind, second only to "How much this going to cost me?"  That thought was what Paul Schween, a speaker in Arizona, calls the "W.I.I.F.M." frequency.  That stands for "What's In It For Me?"  (By the way, I recommend Paul Schween to anyone business owner needs help with their sales.  Great speaker.  Heard him in both 2005 and 2006 in Arizona.)

Now you maybe asking yourself "What's In It For Me to follow another blog?"  Here is what I can tell you what's in it for you to follow the Lone Eagle Review (LER).
  1. LER is a website dedicated to promoting the principles of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States.  I have studied the Constitution quite regularly.  Just left of this computer screen is a little holder for my checkbook, pens, and there is a copy of the Constitution.  Maybe you'll learn a thing or two that you didn't know about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.  And I would love to learn from your comments to my posts.
  2. Never stop learning.  People often accuse others that they don't know what they are talking about.  I had this happen most recently with my own grandfather who I'm named after.  He accused me of just being a follower of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX News.  Not only have I not listened to either man since mid-Summer of this year I haven't watched FOX News since we turned off our DISH Network around the same time period.  Getting thoughts and ideas from new sources are a way to expand your knowledge, connect with new individuals and share your own opinions and values.  The more information you tap into the more you learn and the more you learn the better you are at handling yourself when either promoting or defending your values and views.
  3. Conservative and Constitutional opinion without the conspiracy.  This maybe the part that gets me into trouble, but I will be straight forward with you.  There are a lot of "conservative" websites out there that are nothing but lies and full of conspiracy theories.  At LER you won't find that.  I may comment every now and then on a theory I just find completely out in left field but nothing like that will be published here.  Here you can expect real conservative and real constitutional opinion.
  4. Fun!  How often do you get bored with reading the same old political blogs and websites day in and day out?  I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.  Oh, not really.  I read three websites every day on a regular basis: MSNBC, The Associated Press, FOX News.  But I'm not going to load this blog with tons and tons and tons and tons and tons (do I have enough tons in there?) politics?  I'll be mixing it up with a movie review here, a game review there, a report on an evening out on the town here in Utah Valley.  I'm not boring and neither will LER.
Well, I don't want to bore you to death about LER because this is already quite a long blog post.  But those four points should answer the "W.I.I.F.M.?" Grand Question.

Follow-up to 26th October 2009 Posting

Follow-up to 26th October 2009 Post
By Charles A. Hall

Back on the 26th of October 2009 I posted my great disappointment for Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT).  I stated in that article, quote: "Why am I disappointed? Well, maybe it is too much to ask but I've never heard a single word back from Congressman Chaffetz since he won the Republican Nomination back in 2008 and has been in office since January 2009. Not one word!"  At the time of my writing that article that was very true, I hadn't heard a single word from my Congressman.

What many individuals don't know is that your Congressman in the House of Representatives is suppose to be your direct link to the Federal Government.  The Founding Fathers set up the Federal Government that the House of Representatives (also known as The Lower House) was to represent The People directly within certain districts of a state.  The Senate (also known as The Upper House) was to represent the States, giving the States a voice in the Federal Government with two Senators each.  The 17th Amendment ( changed that in 1913.  Now The People both elect their Congressman and two Senators.

Your direct life line to the Federal Government is your Congressman, your Representative in the House.  If that individual doesn't communicate with you what they are doing in Washington, D.C., what they are doing with your tax dollars, what they are doing to represent you that individual no longer deserves to represent you.  That is how I felt about Congressman Chaffetz ten months into his first term.  Since then my opinion has changed.

I have written the Congressman several times and have heard back from him on different issues.  I am very confident in his voting record and standing up for the People of his District, the State of Utah, and the US Constitution.  The October 2010 of The New American's Freedom Index showed that the Congressman had a 93% rating (  That for his votes in the 111th Congress the Congressman was in line with the Constitution 93% of the time.  So there is some room for some improvement, but not much.  For that I am thankful.

I'm happy and proud to state that I voted for the Congressman during the 2010 Midterm Elections.  I'm glad he is getting on the right track.  Rumor has it that he maybe getting a Chair in one of the House Subcommittees in the 112th Congress.

The Rise, Fall & Future of Conservatism

There is a Fox News Reporting six-part series going on by Fox News host Brit Hume entitled "The Right, Fall & Future of Conservatism."  It is dealing with conservatism in the 20th Century, I believe, here in the United States.  I haven't been able to watch a single episode yet, but I plan to here very shortly.  Each episode seems to be between ten (10) and fifteen (15) minutes long.  You can get the first five episodes at HyperBlogCafe @ .

Goals of the Lone Eagle Review

The Goals of the Lone Eagle Review are not simply to create another blog with political ramblings, but to have a place to interact, share ideas, and promote the Constitution of the United States.  But it isn't limited to politics either.  No, it will include more: movie and game reviews, information about my family and our adventures, and other topics.

It is my hope to also launch a YouTube channel so you can heard my opinions and views, just not read them.  Lone Eagle Review has a bright future in store!  Hope you become a part of it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Self-Proclaimed Lone Eagle

Hello everyone, my name is Charles Hall. I am the self-proclaimed Lone Eagle. Why do I say I am a Lone Eagle? Eagles fly alone for the most part, though they do occasionally flock together. As Peter Nye from the New York State Dept. Environmental Conservation has pointed out, quote: "They usually fly alone, although some may follow others to feeding grounds, like from the morning roost, or when going back to the roost in the late afternoon" ( Well, I follow a few other Eagles to feeding grounds, but for the most part I always seem to be by myself. My opinions are sometimes out of line with even the most die hard conservative because I believe the Constitution of the United States to be an inspired document from God, the Almighty. It is the base in which nations have modeled their own governments after.

If you Google "The Lone Eagle" the first hit you get is a website about Charles Lindbergh, the first man to fly across the vast Atlantic Ocean solo. After self-proclaiming myself a "Lone Eagle" I did this Google search and let me state now: In no way, shape, or form am I saying I'm even remotely close to comparison with Brigadier General Lindbergh. Mr. Lindbergh was THE Lone Eagle and I am merely a Lone Eagle.

It is my passion to help average citizens, such as myself, to understand the world around them. I'm no teacher, I'm a student, but I love to teach and to learn. The understandings of the United States Constitution and the real impacts on our daily life, how those they call themselves "leaders" are actually "representatives", how the average American can and will make a difference.

You maybe asking yourself a very simple question: "Is this another crack-pot conspiracy, 'down with the government' blog/website?" The answer is simple: no. I don't do conspiracy theories, I don't do "down with the government." We have an almost perfect government already in place, it is those that run the government that are not perfect. I love the Preamble of the Constitution that states, quote: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..." I love that part! The People of this country hundreds of years ago wanted to form a union among themselves that inspired to be perfect! I just love that part! Our Founding Fathers gave us the tools that we need to establish this "perfect union" and now we have to just use the tools given to us.

I hope that you will follow me, share your thoughts and ideas with me, and together we can start to change this country back to what the Founding Fathers gave us: a true and free Republic. "...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" (Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863).

Launch of the Lone Eagle Review

Welcome to the Lone Eagle Review! This blog is brought to you by the thoughts and ideas of Charles A. Hall. The Lone Eagle Review is being designed to give a citizen's take on the current situation of the world, mainly in the United States. Lone Eagle Review will not be completely limited to the realm of politics, but also to other issues in the United States and around the globe. Subscribe today and keep up with "An Independent View On Your World!"

Charles A. Hall has been actively involved in the realm of American politics since the 2004 Presidential Election. He has written several dozen articles that have been published online to varies social media websites. Charles studies articles from MSNBC, The Associated Press, and Fox News to formulate his own ideas and opinions. Charles understands the great power of the Internet to move along thoughts, ideas, and opinions. He greatly welcomes outside comments to further refine his own values and views.

Some old articles from Charles' old blog (The Hall Review) will be transferred over to this blog to help increase content and give you a sense of what Charles believes in over the past several years.

Donations to the Lone Eagle Review will and are greatly appreciated to help further the thoughts and ideas of Charles. With enough donations we can purchase a domain name, an independent web server, and more!

Thank you for joining the Lone Eagle Review and following the Lone Eagle.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Val Peterson: Vote of No Confidence

People have described me as a "rank and file" Republican.  Well, I dispute that because I don't see myself as a rank and file Republican.  I'm a self-described Reagan Conservative.  I look at the issues from three individual sources most of the time: MSNBC (Liberal), The Associated Press (Moderate), and FOX News (Conservative).  I also read articles posted on Real Clear Politics that compiles articles from around the country and even some internationally.  One case I make that I am not a "rank and file" Republican is my severe dislike and disappointment for Congressman-elect Val Peterson (R-UT59).

Val Peterson was recently elected to represent District 59 in the Utah State House of Representatives.  He won his seat with 4,376 votes to Democrat challenger James Greer's 922.  Well, clearly District 59 is a Republican-held district and who would believe it never was?  It is Utah after all, right?  Oh, and only 48.42% of Utah County voted on November 2nd.

To continue Mr. Peterson campaigned pretty hard (in my opinion) during the Republican Primary, beating out Republican Primary challenger Michael J. Thompson 1,541 to 961.  I didn't have the chance to vote in the Primary because I was in Washington State all during June and didn't get a ballot sent out to myself (which my was own error).  On the day of the Primary (June 22, 2010) he posted on his Facebook (which is a HUGE tool for candidates today) about how it was a great day to exercise our liberty.  On June 25th he posted that he was humble to be the Republican nominee for District 59.  It took three days to post that acceptance for a twenty second post.  And what more did we hear from Mr. Peterson since June 25th?  Nothing!  Not a peep!

The 2010 General Elections came on November 2nd, 2010 and when did Mr. Peterson submit his acceptance to those he is going to be serving?  November 4th!  That is two (2) days after the election was over!  Mr. Peterson, when a vote is going to be happening on the State House Floor on May 1st are you going to show up on May 3rd?  I think a little respect and timeliness should be given to your constituents who you were just elected to represent.

I checked Mr. Peterson's election website for news, events, town hall meetings, debates, etc. for his bid for State House.  I didn't find anything!  There was nothing on his Facebook!  There was not even a Twitter account!  Facebook and Twitter weren't even on his website!  Mr. Peterson, there are many young individuals that are in your district that basically live on Facebook and Twitter!  Why are you ignoring them?  My wife (21) and I (25) use Facebook for almost everything (besides shopping... most of the time).  I just don't understand!

In his acceptance on November 4th (remember, two days after the election was over) he stated, quote: "Meeting with the great people of our district throughout this election has been one of the greatest experiences of my life."  Um... Mr. Peterson, when did these meetings happen?  Were these meetings in people's homes, going door-to-door, etc?  When did you get out and meet people?  I live over on Main St by Gold's Gym and I don't remember you ever stopping by.  He goes on to further say, quote: "I look forward to working together to represent our community, families, and values."  How can you know our community if you really didn't meet those that you will be serving?  Granted, you, Mr. Peterson, have lived here longer then I have and know you neighbors, but what about the rest of us in the district?

This also makes me to believe that individuals in my district just looked for the (R) next to the name and voted.  I'm not calling anyone ignorant or uninformed, but call into question if people really knew who they were voting for, what a person stood for, etc.  Yes, Mr. Peterson has information on his website about his values and views on government, etc. but he, in my opinion, didn't get out and meet the people to promote those values and views.

Mr. Val Peterson is the only person in the 2010 General Elections I didn't vote for because of this fact that I believe he just put the (R) next to his name and knew that was enough to be elected to the State House of Representatives.  I contacted Mr. Peterson for information and received none.  Very big disappointment.  I had this same disappointment with Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R) who represents the District 3 of the State of Utah in the US House of Representatives.  He hadn't returned anything of my letters or requests for information.  I was very disappointed.  But since my writing a note similar to this one about Mr. Chaffetz I have been contacted via letter several times in response to my disappointment (hopefully this produces the same results).  That has greatly changed my opinion of Mr. Chaffetz and his ability to represent me in the US House of Representatives.

I cast a "Vote of No Confidence" on Mr. Peterson and his true ability to represent District 59.  Maybe I wouldn't be as "bitter" if he actually campaigned for this people of trust.  I live in District 59, have for the last two years and will continue to live here while I attend Utah Valley University.  Mr. Peterson is my representative to the State of Utah, but I am serverly disappointed in a man that slaps an (R) next to his name and believes that is enough.

Mr. Peterson, I would love to change my opinion of you as I did with Mr. Chaffetz.  I will see how you do during your tenure in office, if you will actually reply to my e-mails then for more information, etc.  If you'd like to talk please drop me a line.

Mobile: 360-477-7461


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TSA and the Constitution

Today (Wednesday, 24 November 2010) will be a busy day at airports across the United States.  Millions of people are expected to be traveling across the country and internationally for the Thanksgiving Weekend.  Well, we've all have probably heard from someone, saw it on the news, or read it online about these new Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) policies about these full-body scanners that produce basically a virtual naked image of a person.  If you don't go through these new scanners you are subject to an "enhanced" pat-down that include the feeling of your "private" areas for both men and women.

Now our leaders and their, not ours, appointed personnel are saying we, the citizens, need to use common sense and just basically do as we're told (for the most part).  Some are saying we need to find a "balance" on safety and privacy.
I'm looking at this debate and I'm saying to myself, "Okay, the full body scanner I think I could handle.  It is a virtual image, not me standing in for a porno shoot, and as long as they don't look at my 'private' parts, I'm probably okay."  Now to the "enhanced" pat-down that includes touching of the "private" parts.

The Constitution of the United States states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Now several things stand out here:

  1. "the right of the people" - This is a defined right.
  2. "secure in their persons... and effects" - That is meaning me and my belongs.
  3. "unreasonable searches and seizures" - I don't think saying no to possible Fifth Amendment violation is unreasonable, do you?
  4. "shall not be violated" - meaning you don't cross over this line!!!  PERIOD!
  5. "but upon probable cause" - You have to have probable cause that I'm about to commit a crime.  A little *beep* and light from a machine doesn't say I'm about to commit a crime, it says I might have forgotten a quarter in my pocket!
Probable cause has been best defined as, "a reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime".  I believe that feeling up a person is a violation of this right.  What they have described in these articles for these "enhanced" pat-downs is basically what I was taught over a year ago when I took the Bail Enforcement Academy course to become a Bail Recovery Apprentice!  Bail Recovery Apprentice is another title for Bounty Hunter.  These are things that I was taught when I arrest someone that has jumped bail and how to search them!  On possible criminals!  Not some lady that had breast cancer and has an artificial breast!  You don't ask that person to remove that because you don't have probable cause to execute that search!

Where do you draw the line?  Well, I believe the line has already been drawn and that line is clearly stated in the Constitution of the United States under the Fourth Amendment.

The common sense needs to not be by the people, but our elected representatives and their appointed/hired personnel.  Can we use drug and bomb sniffing dogs?  A bomb sniffing dog has great smell, why not have them sit next to the scanner and sniff the air and if something goes off then you may have probable cause because this animal is trained in detecting that chemical.

I believe that this has been a big mess that TSA could have avoided if they just read the Constitution every now and then because I believe these "enhanced" pat-downs are a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment because they do not have probable cause to treat a traveler like a terrorist.

What I'm upset about also is that it is people coming from outside the United States, traveling into the States trying to do these terrorist acts, not actual individuals inside the United States since September 11th.  Why are the American people being punished and inconvenienced because of these people not even in our country?  Answer me that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

After the Midterm War...

After the Midterm War…
20 October 2010
By Charles A. Hall

On October 13th, President B. Hussein Obama stated to a magazine article that the Republicans will have to get along with the President (  I can’t believe the arrogance of this individual.  Yes, the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006.  Yes, the Democrats took control of the White House in 2008.  Now, two years after the Presidential Election the Democrats are going to lose the House of Representatives and even possibility a majority in the Senate.  This is a repeat of the 1994 Mid-terms, right after President Bill Clinton was elected into office.  When will the Democrats learn?

From Fox News: “President Obama reveals in a magazine article that he is weighing what to do if Republicans win the House majority next month, and has come up with a novel approach: Make the GOP work with him.”  Now wait a second, wait a second?  Shouldn’t the President be working with the GOP?  Doesn’t he need the GOP and not the other way around?  I believe that the President needs to get off his high horse and come back down to realty that his party has messed up, big time.  The majority of Americans were and still are against cap-and-trade and ObamaCare.  They are mad about Congress spending and spending and spending.

“But Charles, why are you mad about spending now when President George W. Bush spent a ton?!”

At the website you can see the Debt Held by the Public (a.k.a. the Federal Deficit) down to the penny.  When President Bush was sworn in on January 20th, 2001 the debt was at about $5.72 Trillion.  When he left office eight years later on January 20th, 2009 the debt was at about $10.62 Trillion.  Over eight years the debt raised about $4.9 Trillion.  That is a lot, but remember we were, and still are, fighting two wars and had some ups and down.

Now from January 20th, 2009 to present:  When President Obama took office the debt was at about $10.62 Trillion.  Today (20 October 2010) the debt is about $13.66 Trillion (latest numbers available was 16 October).  So less than two years later since President Obama was sworn in the debt has raised $3.04 Trillion!  That is around 62% of the total debt President Bush has to claim, but over an eight year period!  Now, who is really spending more: Bush or Obama?

I thought I would just address that because many would probably bring it up.  Please feel free to challenge me, but remember this: present me with evidence, facts, etc.  And be civil.

Back to the subject at hand: after the war…  President Obama is going to have to learn to get along with the GOP because without them he will not be able to move any of his agenda through.  No more back dealing (yes, there was plenty during ObamaCare), communication with the GOP, etc.  But a lot of responsibility will rest on the GOP.

The GOP is going to have to have a set agenda with solutions on many issues: the economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, border security, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.  The GOP needs solutions to these problems.  They are riding the Anti-Washington wave right now and that is fine, but after November 2nd they need a plan.  Without a plan to solve many problems the GOP just might not hold the House of Representatives, and maybe even the Senate, come 2012 without this.

I don’t know what the GOP might do but they need to be open and clear on what they intend to do after November 2nd.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

ROTTEN Hall Children - TAKE II!

Back in November 2009 I wrote the note "ROTTEN Hall Children". Well, this is TAKE II of that note after now being a father.

Rachael joined our family on 6 April 2010 (five years, by the way, from when her daddy entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah). And this morning (9 May - Mother's Day) my wife has me watching "Say Yes To The Dress" on TLC. I looked at my little girl and said, "You have a limit of $5,000 for your wedding dress." My wife laughed at me. I went back just now and read the "ROTTEN Hall Children" and just laughed. This is what I put down for a Hall Daughter:

First Car - $2,000
Mission - $15,000 (If she decides to go on one : two years + dresses + passports + etc.)
College - $50,000 ($12,500/year for four years)
Wedding - $5,000 (Anything more she is paying!)

Total - $72,000

I just couldn't help but laughed because I just told my daughter, who won't remember anything that I say at all, she could spend $5,000 on a dress and it was the price I said would be her whole wedding! HAHA! I guess things do change once you actually have a child.

So, make to the budget board for the kids!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Battle of Immigration Reform: A Citizen's Take

The Battle of Immigration Reform: A Citizen’s Take
By Charles A. Hall

If you are staying in touch with any of the major news networks or even your local newspaper or local news website you will find story upon story, article upon article about the recently passed and signed into law immigration reform in the State of Arizona. Now before I proceed I’ll say that I haven’t read the entire law, just the cliff notes version, what I’ve watched and read in the news.

Arizona Senate Bill 1070 is a huge step in the direction of a growing issue: illegal immigration. Let me repeat that: ILLEGAL immigration! Those that enter into the United States of America outside of legal means are illegal, meaning against the law. Am I against immigration into the United States? No, I am not, I am a supporter of immigration because America was built upon immigration from the pilgrims to present day.

This bill has addressed many pressing concerns that have threatened the sovereignty and security of the State of Arizona. When an illegal immigrate enters the borders of the United States whether it be from Canada, Mexico, Cuba, or any other country these illegal immigrates are also entering our states, counties, and cities. The State of Arizona, and any other state in the Union, have the right to protect their borders, their citizens, their homes, their schools, their children, everything inside their borders they have the right to protect.

The United States of America is a country made up of States to form a Union. The Federal Government only gets its power from The People and the States. Without either the Federal Government has no power. Each state has the right to protect themselves.

I believe that too many people look at illegal immigration is just people coming into the country and there is nothing we can do about it until the Federal Government does something about the issue. This is not true. States have the complete right to protect themselves and 1070 has done this for the State of Arizona.

Racial profiling has come into the picture, that law enforcement officials will be going after everyone and everyone that are Latino, Cuban, African, etc. No, I don’t think so. I believe law enforcement officials have better common sense than we give them. Law enforcement officials must have “reasonable suspicion” to search an individual for weapons, drugs, etc. This is one step down from “probable cause.” You need probable cause usually to enter a home or the nature. Law enforcement officials only need reasonable suspicion to pull over a vehicle that they believe maybe a drunk driver on the road. I do not believe that 1070 will create a whole new level of racial profiling.

When I was a private investigator I would sit in my vehicle for hours on end and I had several law enforcement officials come to my vehicle and speak to me. “What are you doing here,” they would ask. I would identify myself and they would ask for my license. Now, do they have reasonable suspicion that I could be up to no good or lying? Yes, they do! I’m a twenty-four year old individual just sitting in a vehicle for the last eight hours outside of someone’s house! Do I believe they are profiling me because I’m twenty-four and sitting in a vehicle? NO! I believe they are doing their job. I would give them my license, they would run a quick check, find out I’m okay, and they would be on their way.

This scenario I have just presented is no different then what 1070 has done for the State of Arizona. This isn’t a new level of racial profiling, this is protecting the sovereign State of Arizona. Arizona has the right to protect themselves if the Federal Government doesn’t. Let us look at another scenario:

The defense of the United States lays with the Federal Government, correct? There is also laws that allows the states to form their own militia and to protect their sovereign borders. The National Guard is technically run by state governments as each state government is the state’s national guard commander-and-chief. So, if a state government calls up their state guard and their militia to protect their borders which border another country are they taking away from the Federal Government? I would say… NO! Why, because they have the right to protect their sovereign state and their citizens.
I praise the State of Arizona for taking an important step in state sovereignty and state rights. I am very pleased that the state is taking a more pro-active role in protecting their citizens. I fully agree with 1070 and hope other states will follow Arizona’s example, including Washington (my home state) and Utah (my current state of residence).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Answers to the DNC...

In response to this article:

1. Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?
No comment.

2. Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards?

3. Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place?

4. Do you think President Obama is a socialist?
His policies are!

5. Do you think America should return to a gold standard?